Frequently Asked Questions
How does Vega differ from other staffing firms?

Vega Connections utilizes statistically proven hiring tools, including Kolbe A assessment and the RightFit model. This takes the guesswork out of finding the best candidates and guarantees 95% accuracy for the hiring process. We are the only licensed Kolbe certified firm in the state of Tennessee.

What can we expect from Vega in the first three months?

When you use Vega’s recruitment services, you can expect to see results almost immediately. Depending on the recruiting package you choose, we can do everything from posting the position to background checks and drug screenings. The RightFit model will be used to make sure you receive only the most qualified resumes and applicants.

Within the first three months of hiring Vega for HR consulting, you will see short and long-term plans designed to bring your company’s recruitment function up to speed and compliant.

How long will it take to get our company back on track?

This depends largely on your company’s needs. Vega Connections tailors its recruiting and consulting packages to best fit the needs of your company. The first step we take is to look at your recruitment process then work alongside you to make changes where necessary. The length of time this will take is dependent upon how much of the process needs to be reworked.

What is the highest-priority goal for my company, and how would Vega contribute?

The highest-priority goal for your company is to make sure it is compliant with all standards and regulations. Vega will make sure your company’s HR processes are up to par.